Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A is for Arendelle: When do you "Let it Go" and Call Yourself a Writer?

I would be the one to kick off the A to Z Blog Challenge with a reference from Disney's Frozen, wouldn't I? But stay with me writers, because today I'm really itching to hear from you.

When Frozen hit the retail shelves exactly two weeks ago, I pretty much had the date in my calendar marked and circled three times. (I'm the mom of a toddler, so going to the movies is the difficulty equivalent of achieving a Flappy Bird score of 999. Or so I've heard... ahem... anyway.) I needed to see this movie, and once I finally did - from the comfort of my own couch with the little one all tucked in for the night - it did not disappoint.

I already have a tendency to over analyze animated films, but this one is especially layered; perfect for hosting my own internal book club conversations, one of which I will share with you today:

There is a part in the movie during which Elsa (who has spent most of her life in seclusion, hiding the fact that she has magical ice powers) is crowned Queen of Arendelle. She is forced to face the public for her coronation, and long story short, in a moment of passion she ends up revealing her powers to the horror of everyone in the kingdom. In doing so, Elsa completely freezes Arendelle, setting the kingdom into eternal winter. (Sidenote: I found the whole eternal winter thing to be especially amusing after this particular winter. Does Disney have some sort of weather monopoly which allowed them to manipulate our recent snowfall? There could be a conspiracy here....)

Where was I? Oh, right. Eternal winter. Ashamed, humiliated, and scared, Elsa flees Arendelle and heads for the north mountain where she effortlessly builds herself an impressive ice palace while belting out that iconic song, Let it Go. At some point during this song her expression changes, and there is this look of delighted relief on her face. It's as if it feels amazing to finally be free to do what she does best.

This got me thinking hard about myself as a writer. Can I be vulnerable and honest with you for a second?

For most of my life, I have felt incredibly uncomfortable calling myself a writer.

There, I said it.

I mean, I am a writer. And I have been for as long as I can remember. But actually calling myself one? No, thanks. I'll just sit in seclusion and make ice crystals - er, words - appear out of nowhere.

Perhaps I'm an overly private person? Immature? Or maybe I have suppressed identity issues? These are all working theories. But I'd be willing to bet it's not just me; that there are others who feel this way, too.

Recently, I signed my first official publishing agreement and that made me feel a little bit better about "letting it go" and calling myself a writer. Here's the funny thing, though: everything that came before signing, all the moments spent alone with the story, and all the years spent learning to fall in love with writing, those are the things that actually make me a writer. The contract is great, really great, but it's a product that comes from the core of who I am, much like Elsa's ice palace.

So my question to you, writers, is this: Are you still hiding out in Arendelle and refusing to call yourself a writer? If so, what's holding you back? If not, when did you start calling yourself a writer? What gave you the freedom to do so?

Oops. Those were several questions. But then again, I'm pretty sure this blog post was supposed to be a lot shorter, anyway. Ah, well. Tomorrow is a new day.

Please leave a comment if you'd like to join the discussion. I'd truly love to hear your thoughts. And now, without further ado, let's all burst into song, shall we?

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Book Trailer Reveal: PRINCESS OF THE LIGHT

Coming August 26, 2014 from Anaiah Press...

Miriam Miller likes the simple things in life: a good book, close friends, and a healthy relationship with God. But, destiny comes calling, and her neat, little life turns upside down.

Ethanial, an angel of God, has been sent to reveal Miriam's true calling -– she is the Princess of the Light, the woman chosen by God Himself to vanquish the demons intent on infusing the world with evil. And her first assignment: restore the soul of a homeless man known only as The Walking Man.

Enter Joe Deacons, a man intent on stealing her heart. But as Miriam embarks on her journey to save the Walking Man and fulfill her calling, it becomes clear that Joe isn’t what he appears to be. Miriam must decide: Is she willing to risk her soul to save those she loves?

About N.N. Light

N.N. Light was born in Minnesota, lived in Southern California only to move to chilly Ontario, Canada to marry her beloved husband, Mr. N. She is blissfully happy and loves all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports and baking.

Website: princessofthelight.com
Blog: Princessofthelight.wordpress.com
Twitter: @NNP_W_Light

Enter to win a Princess of the Light poster, signed by N.N. Light!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, March 14, 2014

For Writers, Hashtags are the New Glass Slippers (My #adpit Success Story)

Entering a Twitter pitch contest is a lot like leaving a glass slipper behind in hopes that a handsome prince (or in this case, a savvy agent or editor) will find it, fall madly in love with your manuscript, and rescue you from the depths of the query trenches into the enchanting world of publishing.

At least, that's how I like to think of pitch contests. Then again, I have a little girl who is really into princesses, so maybe I have a bit of a one-track mind right now. 

In my case, a recent #adpit contest did have a fairytale ending. The fabulous Kara Leigh Miller saw my pitch and, after reviewing a partial, requested my full manuscript. 

When I received notice that Anaiah Press would be offering me a contract for publication, it was exactly how I had always imagined. (You know, little cartoon birds fluttering around to lots of whimsical music.) In all seriousness, Kara was extremely professional and enthusiastic about my manuscript. Therefore, I am thrilled to announce that I've signed with Anaiah Press for my next title, Tess in Boots, a contemporary romance scheduled to be released in January 2015. 

I know the manuscript is in very capable hands, and I can't wait for this next chapter to unfold!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Writing Lessons From An Awkward Selfie

I recently decided I needed a new author photo. My old one was a hastily-cropped snapshot of me at a Christmas party about a million years ago, and it was getting a little...well, dated. You can take one look at this photo and see that the girl pictured is definitely not someone who worries about tooth enamel and drives significantly under the speed limit while singing "The Wheels On The Bus" to a toddler strapped in the backseat.

Yes, I needed a new author photo, and - after a lot of debating - I decided I was going to have to take this thing myself. Oh yeah, and I had to do it in 24 minutes or less, because that's approximately how long Little Miss will sit still to watch an episode of Dora The Explorer.

So I set out to take my new author photo, armed with my iPhone and a well-lit neutral wall. And that's how I came to the conclusion that I take extremely awkward selfies. I mean, every picture was absolutely painful. Was my smile always that crooked? Why was one eye so much bigger than the other? This was not a case of me being too hard on myself. No, this was a simple case of laughably bad photos. In fact, I wish I'd thought to save and post them here, because you'd all get a good giggle for the day.

After a lot of cringing, I finally realized what was wrong. I was trying too hard. I was too aware of the fact that a photo was being taken. I was too wrapped up in trying to hold my head at a certain angle, or trying to smile just wide enough. I was TOO aware of my audience.

Eventually I realized that I took a much more relaxed photo by setting a camera timer, dancing like a nut while it counted down, and then freezing to smile for the photo. It took a few tries to get the timing right, which resulted in several "oops, still dancing" shots. (Again, I wish I'd saved them.) (I should also mention that I'm a really nerdy dancer, so by this point the whole experience was quite hilarious.)

But I finally got a few decent photos to choose from. Because I stopped trying so hard and enjoyed the process.

If you're curious about the winning author photo, it's below. I'm no photographer, and I'm certainly no model, but this feels like a pretty authentic representation of me. And yeah, I decided to wear my glasses because I can't see a thing without them anymore

All of this hyper-aware selfie taking got me thinking about my writing, and wondering: Are there times when I'm TOO aware of my audience? Times when I'm overly guarded? Times when I'm dancing around words because I'm trying to take the safest path?

I'm certain there are. And the thing is, I don't want my words to be the written equivalent of awkward selfies. I want my words to dance. I want to let my words elicit chills, and tears, and big belly laughs. I want my words to be a little less guarded, and a little more real.

As writers, I think we all do. I think we all need to remember the 24-minute lesson of the awkward selfie.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Anniversary to The Buggy List!

To celebrate the one year anniversary of the accidental launch of The Buggy List, the Kindle version is being discounted to just $0.99 (U.S. only). This special promotional price will be available from February 15th until the 22nd. Get it here.

It has been a wild year. I've learned a lot, I've written a lot, and I've been so encouraged by my growing base of incredible readers. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I hope to have new titles for you soon.

Enjoy, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Amazing Paleo Watermelon Un-cake - You've Gotta Try It!

I've never (never!) met a cake I didn't like. And I'm not one of those people who thinks fruit can pass for dessert. I generally like to keep my cake void of fruit and vice versa.

But in honor of my husband (a man who LITERALLY eats an apple for dessert about three nights a week) turning 31, I made a small exception to this no-fruit-in-my-cake rule.

So I set out to make this watermelon cake recipe I found on Pinterest. And unlike most things I find on Pinterest, it did not result in me nursing second degree burns from a hot-glue-gun or crying on the kitchen floor while questioning my very existence.

I guess what I'm saying is, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

My official endorsement: So easy, I could do it! So good, I liked it!

Check out the recipe on paleocupboard.com:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Top 10 Excuses Why I Haven't Updated My Blog Since August

10. Fall TV premieres... (WHY am I still watching Grey's Anatomy? Can someone please tell me this? Is there some sort of support group I should be joining?)
9. #MSWL and #AdPit and basically all of Twitter.
8. Road trips.
7. Toddler. Just... toddler.
6. Christmas shopping.
5. Christmas wrapping.
4. Christmas traveling.
3. Christmas recovering.
2. Manuscripts. Manuscripts, manuscripts, manuscripts! Write all the things!
1. My dog ate my blog. Ok, I don't have a dog, but if I did, this would totally happen to me somehow.

The point is: I'm sorry, and I'll try to do better. I promise. Happy New Year!